Thursday, March 5, 2009

Half the room, all the assessment in Roseville

By JEAN HOPFENSPERGER, Star Tribune Last update: January 25, 2009 - 10:48 PM what you do not know What was not in the article, there are 47 units of the 47 five are small, about half the size as the larger units. The Board members all … read more live in the large units. Many of the large unit owners have been here for 40 years. I am an owner in a small unit and I did read and understand the documents, however, when this project began the Board decided to change the documents and with 42 large units, they shepherded thru the change in documents to cut their costs. The Board was responsible to keep up the housing units and now want the small units to subsidize their large units which they have neglected, and are asking Roseville to subsidize the larger more expensive units at a great financial loss for the less expensive units owned by the elderly. One of the members of the HRA (who is recommending this project) lives in Westwood Village 1 in a larger unit. The homeowners in the larger units also knew what the Declarations said when they bought. Her 796-square-foot home was assessed at $32,000 for roofing and siding improvements -- the same amount as her neighbors with more space, she said. She also doesn't understand why Roseville has declared her middle-class condo building a "housing improvement area'' and given it a $1.5 million loan for the exterior repairs. "If the city is lending them $1.5 million, you'd think there would be some kind of oversight for fairness,'' said Dalnes, who will take her case to the City Council tonight. A growing effort As Twin Cities suburbs work to maintain quality housing, older condos and townhouses are showing up on their radar screen. Dalnes' experience points to one financial option that many suburbs are tapping to repair those buildings -- and raising questions about what the law intended. DISCUSS IT HERE, and Read the rest of the article at:

truthseeker said... What was failed to be mentioned in this article is that all town homes in Westwood Village 1 are approximately the same foundation size of around 800 square feet. The difference in size as it refers to this project is the number of VERTICAL levels. Under the new declaration, in order take the difference in the number of stories into account, the cost for each town home for the siding project is calculated in square footage for the front and backs. Sides, garages, etc are calculated 1/47th (47 units in association)for each unit. Maureen Dalnes has been trying for 3 years to make a case of unfairness when the board members and other residents have gone to great lengths to make changes in the declaration to account for the differences in town home sizes. Her own attorney even agreed to the new calculation but later reneged on his word when she heard about it and wanted an unreasonable discount for her unit. She failed to disclose for this article that her town home is currently listed for sale for $229,400 and described as 1592 finished square feet. Prices for what she refers to as the larger homes with double the square footage (as stated on the tax statements) are not marketed or sold for twice that amount! So using the method of square footage on tax statements (in this case 796 square feet for her unit)as Maureen Dalnes wants to do to calculate for a project such as this, is woefully inaccurate. Fortunately, the mayor of Roseville and four of the council members (Amy Ihlan dissenting,as expected) agreed that the way the declaration correctly calculated the cost of the project for each resident. Bravo to them as they did their homework and listened to reason! Maureen's continued efforts to delay this project is just adding additional costs to the project for all residents. January 28, 2009 9:11 PM

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